Blog Category: Selling

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Selling Anything

I’ve never read a book on sales. They seemed corny. Like many people, I always looked down on the concept of “selling.” It seemed like something lower than me. To some extent,…

I’ve never read a book on sales. They seemed corny. Like many people, I always looked down on the concept of “selling.” It seemed like something lower than me. To some extent, selling appears manipulative. You have a product where you give the perception it has more value than it has in reality. So you […]

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Ten Lessons I Learned from Shark Tank

I just gave up all parenting responsibilities this weekend to Mark Cuban. Meaning, my kids and I watched eight straight episodes of Shark Tank. For the past two years, people have been…

I just gave up all parenting responsibilities this weekend to Mark Cuban. Meaning, my kids and I watched eight straight episodes of Shark Tank. For the past two years, people have been begging me to watch Shark Tank. One friend of mine, who has co-invested with me on two deals, has given me two pieces […]

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