Blog Category: forgiveness

Who Are Your Gatekeepers?

Dear Josie and Mollie (my daughters), Everyone hates you. I mean, I don’t hate you. Most of the time. But teachers hate you. Your future boss hates you (he bribes you to…

Dear Josie and Mollie (my daughters), Everyone hates you. I mean, I don’t hate you. Most of the time. But teachers hate you. Your future boss hates you (he bribes you to work extra hours and then makes a pass at you. Trust me on this one). Your colleagues hate you (if you are demoted, […]

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Don't Ask For Permission. Ask For Forgiveness.

I dropped out of college. I bought a car with the money instead. And then when I saw everyone walking around campus I got jealous, returned the car, cancelled the check, and…

I dropped out of college. I bought a car with the money instead. And then when I saw everyone walking around campus I got jealous, returned the car, cancelled the check, and re-enrolled in college. A day later, I met my first mentor (first of about 10 — and then 100s if I include the […]

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