Did Lisa’s wt loss regimen make you change any behaviors?

Dr. Dean Burke ‏ @DrDeanBurke: Did Lisa’s wt loss regimen make you change any behaviors?


Yes. I’ve known Lisa for around eight years I think. The entire time I’ve always known her to be very positive. She’s been broke, fat, overburdened, she sleeps about 3 hours a night because she is constantly working. She’s borrowed money to the hilt (I hope she doesn’t mind me saying this) because she is starting her skin cream business (which I’ll feature in a future blog post because I think it’s very innovative).

And she had been trying to lose weight FOREVER. She went on every exercise regimen, every diet regiment. And she just coudn’t break through.

But through it all she was very positive. The most positive person I know, and I know a lot of very positive people.

So when she finally lost the 100 lbs (http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2012/05/how-i-lost-100-pounds/) she showed me several things:

A) the power of positive thinking, as cliched as that sounds.

B) the power of being around positive people. It’s not good enough that you are positive, but your environment has to be aslo.

C) The power of taking care of yourself first. When the plane is going down, if you want to best save the people around you, you put the oxygen mask on your face first.

D) The power of cutting down sugar.

E) The power of being an expert on something. You can ask Lisa any question (and she will answer in that post above) about nutrition and she will have an answer, after 18 years of studying nutrition. You can ask her anything about skin and skin creams (look at her picture, she’s 40) and she will have an answer. That’s power.