Does Obama have the ability to lead us into a new era of growth?

Does Obama have the ability to lead us into a new era of growth? –@tsrcpw

I am totally apolitical. I am not for Obama. Or Romney. Or anyone. In fact, I think the Presidency has outlived its usefulness. I am in favor of abolishing the Presidency. I am putting out a Kindle Single soon: “NOBODY for President” where I go through the “accomplishments of every Presidency since Washington.

All growth comes from the private sector. It never comes from the government, which sucks the blood out of private sector growth through institutions like the FDA, or Congress for that matter.

But let’s take Obama. We finished up World War II in 4 years, destroying Japan and Germany in the process, the two most powerful countries in the world outside of the US at that time. Why are we still in Afganistan after a ten year+ war? Why is housing still worse? Why is unemployment worse despite trillions spent?

Again, Obama can point to many achievements also. But I am giving it a rest on worrying about who will be President. I have enough other worries. I am keeping track of my wallet regardless of who is President.