How do you make money selling an eBook while giving it away at the same time for free with a special offer?

How do you make money selling an eBook while giving it away at the same time for free with a special offer? –@CLAcevedo222

You can’t make money selling books. Well, some can. JK Rowling can. The Freakonomics guys can

But that’s one in a million. Literally those are the statistics. So here’s why you write books (if money is your motive):

A)    Everyone acknowledges that a book requires expertise and hard work. That expertise can win customers.

B)    Consulting engagements

C)    Speaking engagements

D)    More people see your name which can lead to more networking. Networking can bring you down a maze of opportunities totally different from where you started but much more lucrative. Tim Ferris, the author of the “4 Hour Body” has Twitter shares, for instance. How did that happen? Because he knew how to make money off of his books!

E)    Or, if you are prolific, you can write ten books. You can write 100 books. You can write 467 books! See, “5 things I learned from Isaac Asimov”

So, go write a book! See also, “Why and How to Self-Publish a Book”