I’m acing your writing tips (thx!), but could you give us some tips on public speaking, presentations, etc.?

I’m acing your writing tips (thx!), but could you give us some tips on public speaking, presentations, etc.? –@linoxgill

I’ve given five talks in the past three weeks and I am now preparing to speak at my own radio show. the topics are always changing so I have to do a lot of preparation. I think four of the talks went well (people laughed at all the jokes) and one was a little flat, but I was able to improve it for a later talk. Here’s my post on “11 Unusual Methods to be a Better Public Speaker” http://bit.ly/jFlvrL.

Nobody believes me on this but the most unusual method is to “slightly slur your words”.

Why does this work? It hypnotizes your body into thinking it’s drunk. Then your mind has less inhibitions. You get less nervous what people think of you. You say whatever is on your mind. And usually that’s a lot better than saying only the subset of your mind that you think is appropriate.