Election Talk With Scott Adams

"Politics is mostly a brainwashing competition."

That’s how my conversation with Scott Adams on my podcast began.

Scott's always been this fascinating figure to me. He's gone from being the Dilbert guy to this political analyst who seems to see things nobody else does.

Yesterday, we talked about a lot of things:

  • Media wars: How your news feed is controlling your mind
  • Musk's two-hour interview with Trump: What really happened behind the scenes?
  • Are your votes safe? The shocking truth about election machines
  • Meet the "Internet Dads": The new power players reshaping politics
  • Kamala's secret weapon: The genius strategy no one saw coming
  • Fake news alert: The simple trick to spot lies in your timeline (“too on the nose” + “orgy of evidence”)
  • Election 2024: Is America on the brink of democratic collapse?

The last one had me worried.

Before we get into it, a quick reminder:

Scott’s Election Prediction

First, Scott predicted that we need to see a “Kraken” moment, where a legitimate problem with the election system is exposed and addressed.

Adams emphasizes the vulnerability of electronic voting systems and the potential for them to be hacked. He even questions why electronic voting machines exist at all.

Without this Kraken event, no matter who wins, the losing side will cry foul, claiming suspicious activities and potential rigging.

The chaos could be so severe that we might not have a clear winner. 

Think about the normal election process:

  1. People vote
  2. Electoral College meets and votes based on state results
  3. If a candidate gets a majority of electoral votes, they win

That process might get upended.

Scott’s predicting a level of election chaos that might break our normal systems and safeguards.

"I suspect it's going to get kicked to the House," Scott said, referring to the House's role if no candidate wins a majority.


We need the Electoral College to meet for the House option to even be possible. 

If the disputes are so bad that the Electoral College can't even meet, what happens then? This isn't clearly addressed in the Constitution. 

“What if there’s a landslide?” I asked. “What do you think the odds are of a landslide?”

“If there’s a landslide in either direction,” said Scott, “that gives us a comfortable transition of power.”

But, he said, the odds are low: “10% chance.”

This raises an alarming question: What happens if the Electoral College itself can't be certified due to widespread disputes and legal challenges?

And what will THAT do to the markets? 

We talk about that - and a lot more - right here.

(If you prefer to watch, here’s the Youtube link.)


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