From Teddy to Trump

I’m recording more podcasts.

I'm trying to compete with the extreme left and right podcasts out there. We need more middle ground.

We’ll publish them - with my breakdown - here more often, too.

One of my latest is on the assassination attempt on Trump.

People are going to say, “But that’s old news!”

I don’t think so. I think some people are trying to forget it ever happened. I don’t think we should stop talking about it just yet.

Let me unpack why.

From Teddy to Trump

First off, this kind of thing doesn't happen often. Especially not on a presidential candidate.

The last time we saw something like this was way back in 1972 with George Wallace, who was left paralyzed. 

And if you want a real parallel, you've gotta go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt in 1912.

Like Trump, Teddy was a former president and candidate.

That's how uncommon this is.

Plausible Theory

Obviously, the Secret Service dropped the ball here. I think there might be something to the idea that they weren't as on top of things as they should've been.

But I don’t believe most of the conspiracy theories. Except one.

Thing is…

Presidential candidates don’t typically get maximum security. RFK Jr. is a major candidate, he doesn’t have any protection.

There's this whole thing with the head of the Secret Service being buddies with Jill Biden, and maybe that played into it. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, but maybe there's something there. Some bias.

I don't think it was deliberate. I don't think it was like, “Man, who cares? Hopefully this guy dies.”

But it was lax.

The Media is Terrible

On CNN, there was a headline. I don't have it right in front of me. There was a headline that said something like, “Trump falls on stage and secret service takes them off stage.”

And there was another one, “Loud sounds were heard.” I forgot which station did this. But:

Loud sounds were heard.

So it was just kind of these ridiculous headlines to prevent Trump from being more popular as a result of an assassination attempt.

Again, I've seen this kind of stuff on both sides. I keep having to repeat this. I'm not being political, but let's just get real. Somebody tried to assassinate the president.

That was clear within seconds.

Now, let's talk other conspiracy theories for a second.

Why I’m Worried

There's people out there saying this was a false flag operation, that Trump planned it himself. Doubt it.

And then there's the people saying the Democrats or Iran or whoever wanted him dead. Doubt it.

As for this Crooks guy, who knows what his deal was. He's a registered Republican but also gave money to progressive causes. My guess? He was just a crazy kid. You can't rationalize the actions of someone who's not rational.

But here's the thing that's really got me worried.

This whole situation is exposing how weak and divided our political system has become.

We've got Biden looking frail, Trump still contesting the last election, and it's making America look bad on the world stage. You've got Putin and Xi basically lecturing us on how to run a democracy.

The Big Problem

I go into this deeper in the podcast, but…

This divisiveness, it's bad. When you've got a weak political system, bad things happen.

Look at JFK with the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis. Or Carter with the Iran hostage situation. We need strong leadership and a united country to prevent this kind of stuff.

Look, I know this was a lot to take in.

But I go into more in the full podcast.

If you liked this breakdown, share it around.

Again, I'm trying to compete with those extreme left and right podcasts out there. More middle ground is good.

That's where the truth usually lies.


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