The Truth About RFK Jr.

I’ve never met anyone who actually lives under a rock.

Even if I did…

They’ve probably already heard: RFK Jr. just flipped the election on its head.

He's out. He's backing Trump.

This move left a lot of people wondering: How will this affect the election? Why did RFK Jr. do this? What does it mean for the future of American politics? How awkward is the next Kennedy family BBQ going to be?

That’s the subject of my latest podcast. (Full link below.)

Let's dive into the details and try to make sense of this political curveball.

Why RFK Did It

First, some context.

RFK Jr., a member of the iconic Kennedy political dynasty, had been running as an independent candidate after leaving the Democratic party.

He was polling around 6-7% nationally, which might not seem like much, but in a tight race, those numbers can be crucial.

Now, why did RFK Jr. make this move? It boils down to a few key factors:

  1. Declining poll numbers: After Kamala Harris replaced Biden as the Democratic nominee, RFK Jr.'s support took a hit.
  1. Legal challenges: The Democratic party was suing to keep him off the ballot in many states, making it increasingly difficult and expensive to run.
  1. Shared concerns with Trump: Surprisingly, RFK Jr. and Trump found common ground on issues RFK believes are most important.

Yes, RFK Jr. expressed disagreement with President Trump on many issues. But he said that issues like chronic disease, obesity, and corporate capture of the FDA are so critical that all other issues pale in comparison.

He warned that eight years of Kamala Harris would ruin the country due to these concerns.

But here's where it gets really interesting.

RFK Jr. didn't just endorse Trump - he hinted at potentially taking on a significant role in a future Trump administration. We're talking about possibly becoming a "Health Czar," overseeing agencies like the FDA, NIH, and USDA.

Now, let's talk impact.


This move could be a game-changer for the election. Even if just a small percentage of RFK Jr.'s supporters switch to Trump, it could tip the scales in crucial swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia.

But what about RFK Jr.'s policies? Let's fact-check some of his claims:

  1. Chronic disease: RFK Jr. claimed it's risen from 6% in 1960 to 60% now. This is hard to verify due to changes in measurement, but the trend is concerning.
  1. Obesity: He's right that obesity rates have skyrocketed, from about 13% in 1960 to over 40% now.
  1. Ultra-processed foods: RFK Jr. is correct that Americans consume a lot of these - about 54% of daily calories.
  1. Corporate capture: There are indeed examples of FDA officials later working for pharmaceutical companies, raising conflict of interest concerns.

Now, RFK Jr. has been known for some controversial stances, particularly on vaccines.

But his focus on children's health and the influence of corporate interests on government agencies seems to have struck a chord with many voters.

So, What's Next?

The polls are tight, with Trump and Harris neck-and-neck. But with RFK Jr.'s endorsement, Trump might have just gained an edge.

As we head into the final stretch of this election, one thing's for sure:

In politics, expect the unexpected. And always, always follow the money - whether it's campaign donations or the corporate interests shaping our policies.

This election is far from over, and if history has taught us anything, there's bound to be a surprise just around the corner.


I go into WAY more detail on my podcast.

Check it out here.


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