What is a good book to read in regards to practical options strategies for the retail investor?

What is a good book to read in regards practical options strategies for the retail investor? Buy-writes, credit / debit spreads –@cdavemoorman

Do I look like an asshole? Because if so, then why are you trying to…

I cant do it. I can’t talk tough even when I try.

But please read me my post, “8 Reasons Not To Daytrade!”

By the way, it applies to all forms of options trading also.

None of that stuff works. You’re a smart guy or you wouldn’t even be thinking of “Credit/debt spreads”. But if you were even smarter you would know that there are cold-blooded killers who are begging to Satan that guys like you read more books about how to trade those. Then they are ready to take you to the back of the shed and do things to you you only see on documentaries.

Instead, read all of Charles Bukowski’s books. Because if you starting trading option spreads you are going to quickly turn into an alcoholic.

You’re smart, so come up with an idea for a product, make it, sell it, fail at it, repeat. Until you succeed. Which you will.