What’s the best way to network at an event where you don’t know anyone?

Ben Delphia ‏@BenDelphia: What’s the best way to network at an event where you don’t know anyone?


Usually before you go to an event, you know who is going to be there. Maybe there is a list of speakers or other attendees somewhere.

Research the bios of everyone you know will be at the event. Maybe become Facebook friends with them.

Then spend time researching their companies. Come up with ten ideas for each person BEFORE the event. You don’t have to share those ideas with them at the event. But now for every person there you can easily go up to them and say, “you know,I was just thinking about you” and start reeling off your ideas. If they don’t seem interested. No problem. You’ve made contact. You’ve touched base. They will remember you the next time. Move onto the next person.

This is the best way to network. It may not have dividends for each person you come into contact with but overall it will have great dividends that will compound into great success for you.

The key is: make sure you are good at coming up with ideas.