What’s your favorite part about being a parent? Least favorite?

Alex Eddy ‏@eddya27: What’s your favorite part about being a parent? Least favorite?


I had an answer but I threw it out and decided to ask my kids. It turns out that in a sly way their answer was the same as my original one.

First they said: “Your favorite part of being a parent is taking us to events and playdates.”

Which, in fact, was my least favorite part of being a parent. I also don’t like how they try to push boundaries EVERY SINGLE DAY. They sniff out a boundary like little animals and push push PUSH until I finally figure it out and push back.

Then they realize I was typing their crap down and they got nervous so they came up with a “good” answer: “Your favorite part of being a parent is spending quality time with us.” I have to say this is true, but mostly when they make me laugh.

By the way, during this high praise of “quality time” did they not lift their heads off of their computers. And I guess I didn’t either. So I guess I’m a believer in quantity time more than quality time.

But note: everyone is a kid. And with everyone, with every reason they ever give you: there’s always a “good” reasons and then there’s always the “real” reason. Always search past the good to find the real.