Why do men disappear after seemingly good dates? You even wrote about it – why did you disappear instead of a face2face breakup?

DatingSauce.com ‏ @datingsauce Why do men disappear after seemingly good dates? You even wrote about it – why did you disappear instead of a face2face breakup?

ANSWER: I can answer this because I’m guilty. I went on a date once, a few months before meeting Claudia, and I liked the girl enough. So the date went pleasant. We had dinner, took a walk,she wanted dessert, we went to another restaurant, took another walk, and so on. She even mentioned a play she liked and I actually even offered to take her to it.

Then I disappeared. I was bad. She called a few times. Emailed a few times. I called my friend and asked him what I should do. He said I should just call her and say I wasn’t interested. Because, ultimately, she was nice but I wasn’t interested.

I said to him, “are you crazy?” I couldn’t even imagine calling her unless I was in full-on sales mode. Prince Charming mode.

To actualluy call someone and hurt their feelings? There was NO WAY I was going to do that.

I just couldn’t.

So I disappeared. I’m still disappeared from her. I still feel bad about it. I didn’t want confrontation. But I was a jerk anyway. Not really a good man.

That’s why men disappear. They like you but…not really.