With Europe about to default, high employment, gold (the ultimate fear metal) on the rise, why should anyone still be bullish?

With Europe about to default, high employment, gold (the ultimate fear metal) on the rise, why should anyone still be bullish? –@ginger_gal

Fact: right now the top 5 banks in the US have 3% exposure to European debt. (How can this be? Because China is buying up all the European debt in their attempt to take over the financial planet.

In 1981 all of South America was in default. The top 5 banks in the US had 263% exposure to their debt. We had 17% inflation/bond yields. Millions of jobs were being lost because of the high rates and inflation. And we had the Soviet Union with thousands of hydrogen bombs pointed at your home. Not to mention the revolution in Iran, unrest in India, Pakistan, Israel, etc.

And yet what happened: a two decade boom?

Ignore world politics, ignore the government statistics, ignore the headlines which try to make you scared, ignore the pundits who sell newsletters based on fear and greed.

They are all out to scam you. If you are putting your hopes and future happiness  on the thought that the world is going to end you’re going to be dead wrong.